July 23, 2009

Add a menu to your taskbar

In this article I will show you how to add a menu into your taskbar so you can access it anytime you like. What is a taskbar you say? It is the blue bar across the bottom of your screen with the start button on the left and the time on the right.

How to add a basic menuadd a menu to the taskbar

  1. First right click on the taskbar and a menu will appear like the one below. Choose Toolbars then choose Desktop.

  1. This will put a desktop menu in your taskbar. When you click it a menu appears with all the items you have on your desktop To remove it just repeat step one again..

add a menu

How to add a new menu to the task bar

  1. First right click on the taskbar and a menu will appear like the one below. Choose Toolbars then choose New toolbar.

  1. Then a box appears. Choose My documents. Then choose My pictures.

taskbar menu

  1. This will create a menu on the taskbar containing all the items you have in the my pictures folder. Example below.

taskbar menu

The best way to learn is to try it for yourself. I find the desktop menu is probably the most handy for any computer user.

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