July 23, 2009

Add a video(Youtube also) to word 2007 and convert it to a PDF

There are so many reasons why you would want to put a video into a Word document, and the main one is because your participating in an IT course that requires you to do so. Although it might require you to embed a video into a PowerPoint presentation, knowing how to do in in Word can also be an advantage. My sole purpose of putting video into a word document is to then finally convert the document to a PDF E-book.

How to embed a video from your computer into a word document?

How to embed a video into a Word 2007 document? In Word 2007, if you go to embed a video into a document this message will appear below. So therefore you must save the document before proceeding.

Save word Acrobat PDF maker

  1. Open Word 2007 document that you want to insert the video into.
  2. Go to the Insert tab.
  3. On the far right, click on Embed Video.
  4. Now it will prompt you to save the document as in the screenshot above.

embed a video into a word document

  1. After pressing on the Embed Video button the insert video window will appear. Screenshot below.
  2. Press on browse to find a video on your computer to embed.
  3. You can also slide the button along to choose a frame to set as the image for your video.
  4. To resize your video put a tick in the box and the options will be enabled to be changed.
  5. Press OK when your are done.
  6. That's it. Your video will look like a black box on your page.

Where do I get video to put into a word document?

If you have a video on your computer then you can use this. However if you do not have a video on your computer you can download something from Youtube. See Download and convert Youtube videos to your computer to save. Obviously you can also use your video camera to record any video footage and download that to your computer to use also.

How to convert the word document to PDF file format?

If you have both Microsoft word 2007 and Acrobat reader professional installed they will automatically integrate.

save a word document as a PDF file

  1. Go to this symbol in the top left corner.office symbol

  1. The menu above will appear. Choose Save As.

  2. Then choose Adobe PDF.

What size will the PDF file be after adding video to it?

Obviously the PDF file will be a lot bigger if you add a video to it. For a quick example, I had a 4mb PDF E-book and added one small, under 10 minute video to it. The Pdf file ended up being 21.3MB. That's only adding one video. Of course there is a time and place to add video to a pdf file. If you want to email a video it would be better if it was not package into a PDF, but standalone, and compressed to a smaller video format.

video in a pdf

To see the size of your PDF file simply go to the folder where it is stored and put your mouse over it. The details will appear in a box.

Watch this Youtube video to see how I embedded my video into a word document and then a PDF file.

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