December 9, 2009

Back Up Blogger Posts, Comments

1. Blogger Backup Utility - It is a simple utility that can help you backup your blogger blog posts to local disk. Check out screenshots for complete view of utility in action.


2. BlogBackupr -It is a web based blog backup service. It allows you to backup Blogger, Wordpress and self-hosted Wordpress Blogs. It can backup articles, user comments and blog categories of your blog. Ability to backup images will be added soon.

Click Here: BlogBackupr
3. HTTrack Website Copier - This free software allows you to create a mirror copy of the blog on your computer. It builds recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer.

4. BlogBackupOnline -A free web based service that allows you to backup your blog. You can restore blog content anytime using the backup created with this service. It is also very useful in case you are shifting from one blogging service to another. For example switching fromblogger to wordpress.

Click Here: BlogBackupOnline
5.Official Blogger backup steps - Blogger does not have an export or download function. However, you can use these instructions to create a single file with all your posts which you may publish and then copy to your owncomputer for use as desired. This detailed method involves modification of template and few steps.

6. Manual way to backup posts & Images -This method works for new blogger (previously called blogger beta). Save and copy all textual content using standard URL: (where name is blogname and N is number of posts you want tobackup). To backup images on your blog use FireFox addon - ‘DownThemAll’.

7. Using Blogger Email feature - You can enable send post by email feature in your Blogger Dashboard. As soon as you publish a new post you will receive whole post in your inbox. In this way you will have blog posts archived in your inbox. Under ‘Settings’ click on ‘Email’ option. Enter your email address in ‘Blogsend address’.

8. BlogCollector - This software allows you to backup your blogger blog on your computer. You can publish that backup in PDF or MS Word format. However, that backup is no good to restore content of your blogger blog. This software is good enough to create blog backup for redistributing it further in PDF or Word format.

Click Here: BlogCollector
9. Good-old Copy Paste Method -It is a time consuming but very simple way of backing up your blogger blog. As soon as you finish writing your blog post, copy the post content while in HTML mode and paste in notepad file on your computer. Name the notepad file with the title of post for easy searching.

10. Start thinking, innovating - Well, above were 9 ways to backup your blogger blog. Do you know any method that can be 10th method to backup blogger blog? If YES, please share by adding a comment. Anyway, happy blogging!

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