December 10, 2009

Wordpress to Blogger Import

Just answer these simple questions,
  1. Are you looking to move from wordpress to a blogger blogspot?
  2. Do you know how to import all the wordpress posts in your new blogger account?
  3. Is there a method to convert / import wordpress to blogger?
Yes, if you can`t answer these questions then I will answer them for you. Just scroll Down to see the procedure for the conversion.
To do the conversion follow the simple procedure shown below,

  1. First of all, Login to your WordPress account.
  2. Click on Manage tab below the Blog name.
  3. Click Export in the Manage Menu.
  4. Download the WordPress WXR export file by clicking on Download Export File.
  5. Download it to your PC.
  6. Browse to that saved document and click Convert.
  7. Save this file to your local machine. This file will contain the contents of your posts/comments from WordPress into a Blogger export file.
  8. Now, Login to your Blogger.
  9. After logging in, click on the Import Blog Tool.
  10. Follow the instructions and upload your Blogger export file when prompted.
  11. After completing the import wizard, you should have a set of imported posts from WordPress that you can now publish to Blogger. Have fun!

NOTE: This hosted application will only allow downloads smaller than 1MB.

It is clearly picturised below

1.Login to your WordPress account and go to the Dashboard for the blog that you'd like to transfer to Blogger.

2.Click on the Tools tab-->Export


3.Now download the WordPress XML export file by clicking on 'Download Export File'.


Now save this file to your local machine.


4.Now Go to =>> Wordpress2Blogger <<=


Browse to that saved WordPress XML export file and click Convert.


5.After converting,save that file to your local machine. In this file will be the contents of your posts/comments from WordPress in a Blogger export file.

6.Then login to your blogger dashboard-->Settings-->Basic tab and click "Import" to import the converted file.


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